Sunday, March 22, 2009

Holidays and Stereotypes...

So I'm currently sitting in a Starbucks on St. Catherine's watching the St. Patrick's Day parade go by and the crowd is getting progressively drunker and drunker. Then I realized something...why the hell is everyone drinking on our Irish holiday? Doesn't that perpetuate an already terrible stereotype, somewhere along the lines of doing math on Lunar New Year or banking on Hanukkah?

1 comment:

button said...

Its the excess that is most offensive wouldn't you say?

Like, Irish aren't just drinkers, they are DRUNKS!!!!

let's celebrate about that shall we? Irish car bombs (Yea, that's a shot of baileys and whiskey dropped into a pint of Guinness a chugged at maximum speed....doesn't get more DRUNK than that)!!!