Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Guest Lecturing!

I found out on Monday that I will be guest lecturing a class at Concordia (Sociology of Cyberspace) and speaking on racial representation in video games. While I generally keep on-top of race and games stuff its been a long time since I've re-visited it since the big hub-bub over my honors thesis and man while I'm nervous as hell about speaking in front of 75 students, coming back to this stuff after two years feels like meeting up with an old friend. If you're free tomorow, come on down.

Sociology of Cyberspace
Concordia University
Hall Building 420

1 comment:

button said...

ROB! Congratulations! That is so amazing! Just remember, don't be nervous, but also, don't imagine people in their underwear. That never worked for anyone. So long as you're in front of the podium, you know more than everyone else.

Cyberspace is wild.

And hey, wanna know something kinda unrelated? When I was in Mexico I met this dude who spoke brilliant english. I asked if he had spent time in the States or something. He said he had never left Mexico, but learned all the English he knew through Videogames! I am encouraging my English students to start playing games where they have to interact in English.

peace and corn,