Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Nerd

Well like every other post I've read, I'm totally stoked that Obama won the U.S. election. Is this an indicator to the forthcoming global repudiation of the right? We can only hope, but unlike my dad (who almost literally thinks Obama is the messiah), I'll judge this new president based on his action. And while I'm much more hopeful than ever before, I want to wait and see. As Obama himself said "we've got a lot of work to do."

Moreover, for a elections nerd like me who's followed American politics for the last year (I literally watch pundits for 3 hours a day - thank you Young Turks!) people were really surprised I didn't watch the election. In all fairness, I was working on a new project and had to go to the Polysics concert to get video footage, but either way. However, before everything all the election drama fades, I present you this video. Man. Mixing Star Wars nerds with election nerds has never been this awesome.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Oh and this was a lot of fun too. Man I'm such a dork.

(credit for these go to JimSmash)

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