Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe

Okay I'm not one to get hyped up over video games before they come out (mainly because I've been burned so many times in the past - 'Deus Ex 2' anyone?) but I'll make an exception when my favorite comic book universe strangely converges with one of my favorite fighting games. In all fairness when I heard about this game initially I thought it was a stupid idea. While granted Marvel and Capcom did a great game in the Marvel vs. Capcom series (which me and Paul still play to this day) there was at least a bit of precedence. Marvel had a string of fighting games that were put out by Capcom back in the day (which we rocked out hard at the local 7-11 by Deer Lake, does anyone even play arcade games at gas stations anymore?). Moreover, mix ups were pretty common for Capcom with games like 'Capcom vs. SNK.' Moreover, practically all of the games that had a DC logo attached to it sucked bad. So I think its kind of fair that on initial glance I thought the Mortal Kombat/DC thing was a bit far fetched. But then again, if there's going to be a book about being caught with your foot in your mouth, I'd be the author.

So as we come off the wake of the behemoth that is the San Diego ComicCon we get to find tons of videos like the one above that prepare us with geeky joy for the coming consumerfest that is quarter 4. I'll withhold from throwing up tons and tons of videos of cool shit I plan to be playing come this winter, but man, am I excited about this, I mean the Flash looks fucking crazy. And if anything else, we're getting yet another Mortal Kombat game which is always fun and entertaining for the Parungao boys. Moreover, I don't really see what the big deal is with peopel arguing that Superman would just wipe everyone out, I mean they had Thanos in MvsC2 didn't they? Yeesh, comic geeks are such nitpickers to sticking to lore. Oh and on the topic of nitpicking nerds, do Batman and Scorpion both have the same low throw? That's kind if lazy...

Anyway I don't like to judge anything based on a trailer so I'll leave off on a high note with this vid which details why me and Paul have played MK games since they came out (does anyone else remember that Bonsor Rec Centre had MK1 in the basement next to the gym?).

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