Friday, June 19, 2009

My! Fobby! Father!

On the phone, after telling my father that I was going to try some amateur stand-up comedy.

Dad: It must run in the family. I'm the funniest guy at my work.

Rob: Really dad? Maybe you should do stand up.

Dad: Oh no, but you can use my jokes. Why is golf better than sex?

Rob: Dad...stop...

Dad: Because you get more balls!

Rob: Thank, for that bit of comedic gold.

Dad: I know! Let me tell you another one!

Rob: Oh god no.

Dad: How is golf like sex?

Rob: I'm sensing a pattern here...

Dad: Because you practice your grip on the shaft! Listen your mother is laughing! I'm already funnier than you!

I've been upstaged even before I go onstage. This has to be some sort of record.

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